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Exercise after having a baby isn’t all about getting your pre-baby body back, in fact you shouldn’t feel any pressure to do so. Modern society suggests that women should ‘bounce back’ to their pre-baby body in a matter of weeks but remember you have just spent the last 9 months growing a human, it could take 9 months or longer to be back to your pre-pregnant body.

It’s absolutely fine if you are looking to lose a bit of pregnancy weight, however exercise after pregnancy should be more than just for aesthetics. It should be about getting your body fit, healthy and strong enough to chase after your little one, throw them up in the air and push them around as they grow month by month. You will be doing more movement in your day-to-day life than you ever have done before.

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My Fit Mumma package incorporates movements that you will be doing every day with your little one - for example squatting down to pick them up, lunging to pick up their toys, pushing and pulling their pram up hills. These exercises will create a strong body, fit for supporting your new little human. Not only will exercising make your body strong but it’ll make your mind strong too - it will give you a sense of achievement, a focus and an opportunity to do something for yourself, which is difficult now that you’ve got someone else to look after 24/7. The exercises will also allow you to build on your pelvic floor and core strength which is a common worry for new mums. By the end of the programme you should be able to move with confidence and feel like you have optimal pelvic health.

If exercise feels daunting to you at the minute, please don’t worry as I work out of a private studio in Winchester, allowing me to give you full access to equipment in a private setting. If getting time on your own is difficult, I am more than happy for you to bring your baby along to your sessions if you need to.

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The Fit Mumma package is purchasable in a block of 10 weeks and is available both face-to-face and virtually. The package will include the following:

  • Pre-Programme: In-depth questionnaire - to go through your pregnancy and birth in detail. If you had or are experiencing any issues at all then I want to know about it. This will allow me to provide you with the best possible service, or refer you to another specialist if needs be. We will also take photographs to allow me to assess your posture and as a way to track your progress.

  • Session 1: Diastasis Recti Assessment - to check your stomach muscles and to assess how your stomach is recovering post-birth. Almost all women will experience some degree of stomach muscle separation so this is nothing to worry about.

  • Session 1: Movement Assessment - your body has just gone through a huge change so in the first session I will check how you are currently moving and if you are experiencing any tightness or pain anywhere so that I can plan your sessions appropriately going forward.

  • Session 1: Pelvic Floor & Core Engagement - I will take you through how to properly engage your core and pelvic floor so that you get the most out of every exercise we do and ensure you are getting stronger from the inside-out.

  • Sessions 2 - 10: Post-Natal Exercise Programme - after I have assessed you thoroughly, I will write a programme specifically for you. Each session will include the every day movements that I mentioned above which will enable you to re-build your strength, feel fitter and healthier. The sessions will get gradually harder week-by-week to ensure that you are being challenged and making progress.

  • At the end of the sessions, we will take new photographs so we can track back to the beginning of your programme to see how you have progressed. We will also go through how you have found the programme, if you feel there is anything else you need help with and if you want to continue with further sessions.

  • In addition to the face-to-face sessions, I will provide you with a home programme to complete in your own time. In order to make progress, it is essential for you to complete your home sessions too. The home programme will include two 30 minute sessions.

  • I will also provide you with nutritional support - it is so important to ensure you are fuelling yourself properly when you are exercising, and even more so postpartum. Your body is in a state of recovery and needs a well-balanced, nutritious diet to be able to recover fully. If you are breast feeding, it is even more important to ensure you are eating the right foods to support yourself and your baby.

Package Prices:

Fit Mumma Once a Week Package - £390

Fit Mumma Twice a Week Package - £720

This package is also available virtually if you are not based in the Winchester area. This will require you buying some simple equipment to use during the sessions.

Virtual Fit Mumma Once a Week Package - £350

Contact me now for more info or to book your free consultation.